More Yum Website For More Yum’s fifth anniversary, the website was updated and repositioned. New features were added including scroll-based actions, full-page transitions,… Continue reading “More Yum Website”…
Data Stories Platform A platform and tool were designed to generate interactive data stories leveraging Artiy’s fast datasets, with the ability to reveal… Continue reading “Data Stories Platform”…
Geographical Scrollytelling With this experiment we wanted to explore the possibilities of using MapboxGL in combination with DeckGL to give users a… Continue reading “Geographical Scrollytelling”…
CLEVER°FRANKE Experiments The CLEVER°FRANKE Experiment website is a collection of various experiments that have been done on a wide array of topics.… Continue reading “CLEVER°FRANKE Experiments”…
Globalance World Globalance is a Swiss private bank that invests in future-oriented companies and investments that solve global challenges and shape a positive… Continue reading “Globalance World”…
Visual Bookmarking 2019 With this tool it is easier to create visual bookmarks, the Chrome extension takes a screenshot of the current webpage… Continue reading “Visual Bookmarking 2019”…